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I previously had wondered why I continued with the Scheme having not used it for sometime. It is there for when you need it.
The service by the staff has been fabulous. A nice group of people. Each staff member whilst being efficient has shown such care and understanding. The tone either on the phone or by email was always positive and response time is excellent.
The scheme puts you on a fast track for all the various tests to determine the problem. I can say no more than the team and scheme have got me too and through major surgery in a matter of months. So thank you.
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I can say no more than the team and scheme have got me too and through major surgery in a matter of months. So thank you.
We have worked hard to make it easy for you to join Bluline. There is no medical examination, no awkward questions, and minimal form filling. Use our online price calculator to see exactly how much it will cost.
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If you do have any questions call
01905 796682
MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM (excluding public holidays)
to speak to one of our friendly administrators or submit your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.
I had an MRI in March and then had some physiotherapy to try and rectify to the problem. I was still experiencing issues so I then had surgery in the June. If I had gone via the NHS then I may have still been waiting in June for a consultation.
Copyright Bluline West Mercia Limited 2025